Tuesday, December 18, 2012

English 15S

Template:  For the template I wanted a "less is more" kind of feel, which is why I chose a plain background with not many designs.  I did not want the blog to look too busy.  However I also wanted to have a spot for the school I love on the page, which is why I chose to put a Penn State picture on the page.  The template also makes it easy for me to create new pages and add more to my blog.

Title:  I wanted to make the title have a reference to Penn State while still being clever.  This was the most difficult aspect of the blog for me to make because I had a hard time thinking of names.  We Are....Blogging was the most clever one I could think of, and I liked it, so I decided to stick with it.

Font:  I definitely wanted the font to be easy to read, and I am not a fan of the crazy looking fonts.  A lot of those just look silly to me.  So I chose a plain one for my posts so they are easy to read.

Color:  When debating about what color to use I realized I wanted to use a darker one, or at least plain.  I simply felt the blog looked better with a dark background.  The other colors on the page I actually made by accident, but I enjoyed the way the colors made it look, so I kept them.

Pages:  I included an English 15S page so it would be easy for viewers to find where my work for this class is.

I enjoyed making this blog, even though I did find it difficult.  I found myself confused while trying to edit the pages and colors, which is why i stumbled across some of the colors by accident.  I believe it represents who I am because it shows my love for Penn State, however I will probably mess around with the colors and add a few more pages and see what else I like.  This blog will be a great tool to use in English 15S because it makes it easy to turn in work, see examples that our professor puts on her page and make it easy so see what our classmates are doing with their blogs.

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