Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Art of Poetry

            Experiencing The Art of Poetry presentation was very unique to me because I am not very familiar with poetry and abstract art, especially putting the two together.  I felt that Sheila and Paul’s work greatly reflected each other and provided for an interesting model of how collaborating two different types of are can work.
            The way in which the pieces were created was very interesting to me.  The idea of the painting being created, then poetry being written to reflect the painting only to have the painting change to reflect the poetry is very unique.  The constant bouncing back and forth seems like if would be difficult for the artist to agree, but they were able make it work.  What interests me though it how the poetry no longer exactly reflects how Sheila feels about the painting because Paul had the last say with changing the painting.  This process seems to really let the art develop into something both unique and relative. 
            This was almost overwhelming to me because of how unfamiliar I am to these two types of arts.  At first I did not know how to look and the two to relate them.  However after seeing a few different examples it became easier to understand the process and how it created the final pieces.  I believe anyone can be interested in this type of art if given enough time to think about it and understand it.  

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